With some of the disadvantages pointed out lets now take a better look at some of the positive advantages that tidal energy may have on our society and potentially our environment. I believe one of the greatest advantages of tidal energy is the fact that it is all renewable and doesn't lead to any pollution of any sort to our atmosphere. This is something that our government and has been trying to resolve for many years and with this new technology we could potentially do so. Unlike wind energy, tidal energy is very easily predictable, making our electricity more reliable and uniformed. One particular perk that I found very critical is the life span of a tidal barrage. These tidal barrage have an extremely long life approximately around 100 years which is much longer than nuclear energy and other technologies. With the life span implied, cycle cost of tidal power plants eventually becomes very low in the long run. The main goal is to produce energy is the most efficient way possible. Tidal energy does just that with its higher energy density which is much greater than other forms of renewable energy like wind power. Tidal energy contribute about 80% of the load factor that is consumed which is a lot more than most renewable powers and fossil fuels.

With all these factors pointed our the ethical argument can be very controversial but i believe that the positives far outweigh the negatives. This alternative energy has a smaller effect on the environment in the long run simply by decreasing carbon dioxide emissions. No i don't believe it is ethical for our wildlife to suffer for humans to have cheaper energy, however new forms of tidal power are in process of being design that are safer for our wildlife as well, such as Vertical axis tidal systems and swan turbines, both of which are less harmful to our wildlife. With the right funding and development these renewable resources can help us take another step forward to bigger challenging technologies.